Future Lions 2009的坎城專訪,裡面有Rei Inamoto(稻本零)以及今年所有獲獎團隊在坎城的訪談,包括今年入圍最多因此獲得年度Future Lions學校榮銜的學校。(因為要開學了所以現在貼出來。)
2009 Future Lions 得獎作品
Fortum Active
Gustav Johansson+Erik Hogfeldt+Rasmus Keger. Berghs School of Communication in Sweden
The Great Expedia Warm Up
Ebony Holmberg+Jason Deacon. RMIT, Australia
可以順便收看一下這兩位學生為他們這次的Future Lions坎城之旅作的記錄blog。
Ikea: Augmented Reality
Gian Jonathan+Wai Wa. Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore
Starbucks: Be Steady
Sungkwon Ha+Michael Jungho Oh. School of Visual Arts, New York
Hallvard Fjeldbraaten+Morten Halvorsen. Westerdals School of Communication, Norway
Element – Claim it! from Morten Halvorsen on Vimeo.
Berghs School of Communication in Sweden
Future Lions 年度學校(作品入圍件數最多)