坎城創意效果獎Creative Effectiveness Lions

7 月 / 02 / 2011


2011年度坎城國際創意節已經於6月19-25日成功舉辦。2011年度的新增獎項,是籌備兩年半才推出的坎城創意效果獎(Creative Effectiveness Lions)。創意效果獎被定義為坎城的最高級獎項,不但報名費高(每件作品報名費1,185歐元,以現在匯率計算約台幣49,450元),只有得過坎城創意獎,或是入圍過的作品,經坎城主動邀請,才能參加,過程中的實效也先經全球四大會計師事務所之一的資誠聯合會計師事務所審核,並可能在過程中多次發回報名代理商依要求重寫報名文件,才經由由包括客戶在內的資深行銷傳播專業人士組成的評審團評審。2011年第一屆的創意效果獎共有33個國家的142件作品參加,而卻有共達20位評審組成評審團。最後選出10件入圍作品5件獅獎得獎作品,並由倫敦AMV BBDO為Walkers洋芋片製作的〈歡迎來到三明治〉(也請參考《2010年坎城廣告獎結案報告》64頁)獲得第一屆坎城創意效果獎的大獎。



•    這件創意作品的目標是什麼?(What were the objectives for the creative work?


Please distinguish between interim objectives (e.g. awareness, image, attitudes, and behaviour) and sales objectives (e.g. volume, revenue, market share). Be aware that having both will strengthen your entry.

•    描述這件作品背後的策略(What was the strategy behind the work?


Be clear about the connection between the objectives, the brief and the final creative work.

•    描述創意作品(What was the creative work?


Detail the creative output in terms of its content, the media channels, and the investment behind it?

•  作品對世界有什麼影響?(What effect did it have in the world?


Explain what happened after the work appeared. Again, be aware of the difference between interim and sales effects.

•    這件作品如何排除其他對於效果造成影響的因素?(How do you discount the other factors that could have caused some or all of this effect?


You may use econometrics if you wish but it is not a necessity.

•    客戶由於推出這件創意作品,獲得了哪些生意上的好處?(What was the commercial gain for your Client as result of running the creative work?


Entries will benefit from their ability to isolate a return on investment, not just a picture of sales growth or changes in brand measures.

•    你認為本案例對於了解創意如何達到實效有什麼新的助益?(What do you think this case adds to our understanding of how creativity can be effective?)


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