– 這個稅只退給公司,不退給個人。(我有寫信去問坎城主席說為什麼。他說就是這樣。所以,就是這樣。)
* 但是,經過研究規則,小魚發現,如果你是某公司的客戶、藝人、等等,(只要你不屬該公司,但是透過該公司幫你註冊),那你的稅可以退,而且你的旅館交通娛樂餐飲的稅通通都可以退。(我不是法國稅務官,只是看規則望文生義,講錯恕不負責。)
– 退稅的申請要在年度的6月30日前提出。如果你現在報名付錢,趕快提出退稅,大約花4-5個月可以退完稅。如果拖到報稅季節的五、六月那可能會更久。
– 退稅公司要收11%-7%的手續費。(金額越高手續費遞減。)
– 退稅公司地址在巴黎。在坎城期間不會有服務。因此決心矢志要退到稅的,必須由公司幫你註冊,由公司幫你退稅。如上述,並沒有規定要由你自己受雇用的公司來作這件事就對了。
1. 這稅到底是幹嘛的?
Why the need to pay TVA?
IAF provides a service directly to delegates in Cannes, France that is subjected to TVA (i.e. you will have to pay TVA on any goods and services purchased while you are in France). TVA is only applied to those companies who do not have a French TVA registration number. This means that you will have to pay TVA @ 19.6% if you do not have a French TVA registration number, but you can reclaim back your TVA (see below procedure).
2. 如何退稅:
How to reclaim the TVA?
IAF cannot assist you with reclaiming your TVA. However, you can reclaim it via a French Tax Representative in France. You could use one of these two tax representatives in France or use your own tax representative in France.
Their contact details are:
* TEVEA International – Please contact TEVEA international at mail@tevea.fr for TVA reclaim procedure.(這個回信了,說只有公司能夠辦退稅,說明如上。)
* GEFCO – Please contact GEFCO at christell.ansart@gefco.fr for TVA reclaim procedure.(這個電子郵件把我的信退回來了。我寫信去跟坎城講了不知道會不會換一個地址。)
3. 請注意一定要用原始的支付憑證來辦退稅。因為法國政府為了怕有人退好幾次稅,所以規定IAF不可以(!!)發出補發的支付憑證。
Please note that you MUST have the original PAID invoice from IAF to reclaim your TVA. So please take care of your original invoice, as we will not re-issue any original PAID invoices to you. A copy of your original invoice will not be qualified for TVA reclaim.
* 我想這裡有個問題是:如果我用網路報名繳費,何時可收到支付憑證?或是最好我是在現場繳費所以確保我拿得到支付憑證?
Importance of giving the correct information while registering.
In order to prevent companies from claiming the TVA twice, the French administration does not allow IAF to re-issue the original invoice twice (i.e. only copy of invoice is allowed). It is therefore absolutely important that you have to provide IAF the correct invoice details, in particular to invoice name and address while you are registering with us. It will be helpful to have the contact name too, in order to make sure that the invoice will be sent to the correct person.
** 那假若我自費去的時候,我用我的信用卡刷卡,支付憑證的對象是我自己囉?(如上述,請以公司名註冊。)那公司報名的,他支付憑證姓名地址要寫給誰?(公司。)
5. 網路註冊時就要要求以掛號寄憑證給你。
You must have an original invoice to re-claim your TVA, so it may be worthwhile to have your invoice sent by registered post when you are registering with us (a small price to pay), but this will enable you to definitely receive the original invoice. It is our company policy to send invoice out by normal post but we would recommend you to choose the registered post option, as you cannot trust the postal system in most countries.
支付憑證一定要原始的,所以報名時就要要求(而且付費)用掛號信(掛號費用,坎城說,是一筆很小的費用)寄憑證給你。(在網路報名表上要選掛號“registered post“寄憑證的選項。)
6. 為什麼你們IAF不能幫我們辦退稅?
Why can’t the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival (IAF) refund the TVA?
IAF will have to pay TVA, on the receipt of your payment, to the French Administration. As per the French Administration regulation, we are not allowed to refund any TVA on all credit notes. This means that we can only refund the net amount to you, for example if your registration is withdrawn or never submitted or duplicate payments etc. However, you can claim back your TVA via a French Tax representative (see procedure as above) from your original invoice. We’ll then refund you the net amount via a credit note. In fact, you have refunded in full via TVA from the French Administration and the next amount from IAF credit note.