
這廣告,我光把文字抄下來時就覺得很不舒服。後來找到文案Anshumani Khanna的資料,起初我非常驚訝發現她是位女性,後來驚訝她的年輕(她去年獲得坎城報業廣告金獅獎時才26歲。今年都可以再去比坎城青年創意競賽)。而且我覺得文案中的第三點不合邏輯。因此寫信問她,我也忍不住跟她說,我光必須翻譯這則廣告都覺得好不舒服,她作為撰文當時究竟感覺如何,她的回覆讓我非常感動。徵得她同意之後刊登在下面:
Writing the Aadhar ad, was perhaps the most difficult thing that I’ve ever done. It took days of research and when I first started reading about it, I was shocked. So much so, that I found myself in the loo, barfing, each time I opened the links that google threw up. At first, I was disgusted with myself. A million questions ran through my head. The first was, how could I do something like this? But the more I thought about it, the more convinced I got. There are a million people out there, who actually practice female foeticide, thinking that it’s nothing much. Just a foetus, you’re terminating. I thought that if the material I found, could shake me up so much, it would probably have a similar impact on the people who read it.
It’s tough trying to change a mindset, and in my country this has been a practice for years. Girls are gotten rid of to make way for a boy, because they earn, they work and they carry the family name forward. A girl on the other hand is just an added burden. It’s sick. And it turns your stomach, but it’s true.
Our client, the NGO who ran the ad, is an 85 year old woman. Who’s devoted her life to the cause. We were rather sceptical at first, if she would run something so graphic, but her conviction in the writing gave us tremendous hope. And we knew we were doing the right thing.
While the gold at Cannes, and the many other awards that Aadhar picked up, were a great blessing, I feel the one I find most precious is what Aadhar achieved with the ad. In a span of 3 months, they managed to save 25 girls from being killed.
As far as the line goes, well, it’s imperative to keep the foetus alive, because it’s easier to pull it out and kill. If it collapses within the uterus, the task becomes messy. I know it sounds horrible, but it’s true.
我知道很多人在說很多得獎稿都是飛機稿。但是假若你像Anshumani Khanna和她那位高齡85歲的客戶Leela Dave女士這樣,面對一個這樣具有爭議性的議題,而且因為身為印度女性更加無法將之忘卻,我不覺得光用飛機稿三個字能夠抹去這件廣告作品的價值。