靈智廣告創意部徵才 資深設計或助理藝術指導皆可 主要客戶:VOLVO汽車/亞培嬰幼兒奶粉/維骨力…等 聯絡人:林先生 0936145193 / 02-27185558 分機6611
靈智廣告創意部徵才 資深設計或助理藝術指導皆可 主要客戶:VOLVO汽車/亞培嬰幼兒奶粉/維骨力…等 聯絡人:林先生 0936145193 / 02-27185558 分機6611
– 這個稅只退給公司,不退給個人。(我有寫信去問坎城主席說為什麼。他說就是這樣。所以,就是這樣。)
* 但是,經過研究規則,小魚發現,如果你是某公司的客戶、藝人、等等,(只要你不屬該公司,但是透過該公司幫你註冊),那你的稅可以退,而且你的旅館交通娛樂餐飲的稅通通都可以退。(我不是法國稅務官,只是看規則望文生義,講錯恕不負責。)
– 退稅的申請要在年度的6月30日前提出。如果你現在報名付錢,趕快提出退稅,大約花4-5個月可以退完稅。如果拖到報稅季節的五、六月那可能會更久。
– 退稅公司要收11%-7%的手續費。(金額越高手續費遞減。)
– 退稅公司地址在巴黎。在坎城期間不會有服務。因此決心矢志要退到稅的,必須由公司幫你註冊,由公司幫你退稅。如上述,並沒有規定要由你自己受雇用的公司來作這件事就對了。
1. 這稅到底是幹嘛的?
Why the need to pay TVA?
IAF provides a service directly to delegates in Cannes, France that is subjected to TVA (i.e. you will have to pay TVA on any goods and services purchased while you are in France). TVA is only applied to those companies who do not have a French TVA registration number. This means that you will have to pay TVA @ 19.6% if you do not have a French TVA registration number, but you can reclaim back your TVA (see below procedure).
2. 如何退稅:
How to reclaim the TVA?
IAF cannot assist you with reclaiming your TVA. However, you can reclaim it via a French Tax Representative in France. You could use one of these two tax representatives in France or use your own tax representative in France.
Their contact details are:
* TEVEA International – Please contact TEVEA international at mail@tevea.fr for TVA reclaim procedure.(這個回信了,說只有公司能夠辦退稅,說明如上。)
* GEFCO – Please contact GEFCO at christell.ansart@gefco.fr for TVA reclaim procedure.(這個電子郵件把我的信退回來了。我寫信去跟坎城講了不知道會不會換一個地址。)
3. 請注意一定要用原始的支付憑證來辦退稅。因為法國政府為了怕有人退好幾次稅,所以規定IAF不可以(!!)發出補發的支付憑證。
Please note that you MUST have the original PAID invoice from IAF to reclaim your TVA. So please take care of your original invoice, as we will not re-issue any original PAID invoices to you. A copy of your original invoice will not be qualified for TVA reclaim.
* 我想這裡有個問題是:如果我用網路報名繳費,何時可收到支付憑證?或是最好我是在現場繳費所以確保我拿得到支付憑證?
Importance of giving the correct information while registering.
In order to prevent companies from claiming the TVA twice, the French administration does not allow IAF to re-issue the original invoice twice (i.e. only copy of invoice is allowed). It is therefore absolutely important that you have to provide IAF the correct invoice details, in particular to invoice name and address while you are registering with us. It will be helpful to have the contact name too, in order to make sure that the invoice will be sent to the correct person.
** 那假若我自費去的時候,我用我的信用卡刷卡,支付憑證的對象是我自己囉?(如上述,請以公司名註冊。)那公司報名的,他支付憑證姓名地址要寫給誰?(公司。)
5. 網路註冊時就要要求以掛號寄憑證給你。
You must have an original invoice to re-claim your TVA, so it may be worthwhile to have your invoice sent by registered post when you are registering with us (a small price to pay), but this will enable you to definitely receive the original invoice. It is our company policy to send invoice out by normal post but we would recommend you to choose the registered post option, as you cannot trust the postal system in most countries.
支付憑證一定要原始的,所以報名時就要要求(而且付費)用掛號信(掛號費用,坎城說,是一筆很小的費用)寄憑證給你。(在網路報名表上要選掛號“registered post“寄憑證的選項。)
6. 為什麼你們IAF不能幫我們辦退稅?
Why can’t the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival (IAF) refund the TVA?
IAF will have to pay TVA, on the receipt of your payment, to the French Administration. As per the French Administration regulation, we are not allowed to refund any TVA on all credit notes. This means that we can only refund the net amount to you, for example if your registration is withdrawn or never submitted or duplicate payments etc. However, you can claim back your TVA via a French Tax representative (see procedure as above) from your original invoice. We’ll then refund you the net amount via a credit note. In fact, you have refunded in full via TVA from the French Administration and the next amount from IAF credit note.
書名:愛上阿根廷探戈 現場會有阿根廷探戈表演和演奏
上面的這位作者林靜伶老師可是我的碩士指導教授喔~~她當過輔大大傳研究系系主任和所長之後迷上探戈 還跑去阿根廷學探戈 聽說大傳系活動中老師/主任大人還表演探戈哪
USA, Colleen DeCourcy (Jury President), Chief Digital Officer, TBWA Worldwide
Argentina, Javier Cami Alvarez, Chief Executive Officer, e-volution
Australia, Ashley Ringrose, Co-Founder and Director, Soap Creative
Austria, Vera Steinhäueser, Digital Head, PKP Proximity
Belgium, Vincent Jansen, Creative Director, Boondoggle
Brazil, Sergio Mugnaini, Interactive Creative Director, AlmapBBDO
Brazil, Paulo Sanna, Executive Creative Director, McCann Erickson
Canada, Dominique Trudeau, Creative Director Interactive & Design, Taxi Canada
Denmark, Paul Clements, Creative Director, TBWA\
Finland, Sami Keinänen, Planner, hasan & partners
France, Frederic Bonn, Creative Director, Ogilvy Interactive
Germany, Friedrich von Zitzewitz, Creative Director & Partner, Plan.Net Hamburg
India, Karl Gomes, Executive Creative Director – Digital, Arc Worldwide
Italy, Till Neuburg, Communication Manager, Globiz
Japan, Naoki Ito, Creative Director, GT Tokyo 之前在ADK廣告時做了Nike iD角色扮演的那位創意總監
Korea, Hui Kang Yea, Creative Director, Cheil Worldwide
New Zealand, Lee Parkinson, Partner / Joint Creative Director, TOUCH/CAST NEXT
Norway, Bendik Romstad, Copywriter / Creative Director, Kitchen Reklamebyrå
Poland, Mikołaj Dąbski, Creative Director, HYPERmedia
Singapore, Sean Lam, Creative Director, Kinetic Singapore
Spain, Enric Nel-lo, Executive Creative Director, Shackleton 這個人得過5個坎城金獅獎。今年也去當One Show評審了。
Sweden, Ted Persson, Executive Creative Director, Great Works 去年度的坎城得獎作品是Absolutlomo
The Netherlands, Martijn Sengers, Creative Director, Euro RSCG 4D 去年做過Volvo的加勒比海尋寶遊戲當時是藝術指導現在升官了。
United Kingdom, Sam Ball, Creative Partner, Lean Mean Fighting Machine
USA, Michael Lebowitz, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Big Spaceship
United Kingdom, Craig Davis (Jury President), Chief Creative Officer Worldwide, JWT
Argentina, Hernán Jáuregui, Executive Creative Director and Partner, DDB Argentina
Australia, Darren Spiller, Regional Creative Director, Publicis Mojo
Belgium, Dirk Domen, Creative Director, Duval Guillaume Antwerp
Brazil, Luiz Sanches, Creative Director, AlmapBBDO
Canada, Paulette Arsenault, Partner / Creative, PALM Arnold
France, Erik Vervroegen, President / Executive Creative Director, TBWA\Paris
Germany, Ulrike Wegert, Creative Director, KNSK
India, Priti Nair, National Creative Director, Grey India
Italy, Sergio Rodriguez, Group Creative Director, Leo Burnett
Portugal, Ricardo Monteiro, Chief Executive Officer, Euro RSCG Portugal/Latam
Singapore, Eugene Cheong, Head of Copy, Asia Pacific, Ogilvy
South Africa, Kirk Gainsford, Creative Director, Lowe Bull Cape Town
Spain, Carlos Sanz de Andino, Creative General Manager, Contrapunto
Thailand, Suvit Jaturiyasajagul, Creative Director, McCann Erickson
The Netherlands, Raymond van Schaik, Creative Director, Etcetera
Turkey, Haluk Mesci, Co-Founder / Partner, MAHI MAHI Markalastima Hizmetleri
United Kingdom, Damon Collins, Executive Creative Director, Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R
USA, Sarah Barclay, International Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi
UK, Craig Davis, Chief Creative Officer, Worldwide, JWT (Jury President)
Argentina, Joaquín Molla, Founder/Executive Creative Director, la comunidad
Australia, Ted Horton, Partner, Big Red
Belgium, Jens Mortier, Partner/Creative Director, mortierbrigade
Brazil, Eduardo Lima, Creative Director, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi
Canada, Aaron Starkman, Creative Director, Zig
Denmark, Per Pedersen, Creative Director, Uncle Grey
France, Alexandre Hervé, Executive Creative Director, DDB
Germany, Lars Ruehmann, Chief Creative Officer / Founder, Nordpol+ Hamburg 這家技術很強老是得直效大獎或金獅獎的公司去年拍了影片風的力量,讓人驚艷已極
India, Sonal Dabral, Chairman, India & Regional Executive Creative Director, Bates David Enterprise 他去年的得獎作品是男人幫雜誌的女體海報,不過之前印度一支老人讓位給年輕人因為他吸菸快死掉了很可憐的廣告是Sonal這位大煙槍本人的作品。
Italy, Fabrizio Russo, Chief Creative Officer, TBWA Italia
Japan, Masahiko Ishii, Executive Creative Director, Hakuhodo
Mexico, José Beker, CEO & Creative Director, Euro RSCG Beker
New Zealand, Toby Talbot, Executive Creative Director, DDB New Zealand
Norway, Janne Brenda Lysoe, Creative Director, McCann Norway
South Africa, Paul Warner, Founder & Executive Creative Director, MetropolitanRepublic
Spain, Marcelo Vergara, Chief Creative Officer, Publicis Spain
Sweden, Håkan Engler, Executive Creative Director, Lowe Brindfors
Thailand, Nopadol Srikieatikajohn, Executive Creative Director, Ogilvy & Mather
The Netherlands, Aad Kuijper, Creative Director, Alfred International
United Kingdom, Ben Walker, Creative Director, Wieden & Kennedy
USA, Susan Credle, EVP, Executive Creative Director, BBDO New York
BBC 4在這期的Last word(對剛過世的名人蓋棺論定的節目)中刊出了剛過世的著名廣告人Paul Arden的報導。當然我有把這段轉錄下來,但是沒有權利提供給任何人。BBC 4的Last word也不提供下載。所以,有興趣的人必須在4.18日起的一週內才能聽到這段內容。這次的Last word一共報導三位剛過世的名人, Paul Arden的介紹在第二段。
內容中,訪問了後來封爵的廣告公關大師Tim Bell(Paul Arden在Saatchi & Saatchi工作時他是公司業務主管),以及英國著名的女性藝術指導Alex Taylor。
其中說到,Paul Arden剛開始工作時老被解雇,〝因為他總是一副好戰的態度〞(聽起來絕對不是個會乖乖聽老闆訓話的員工。)而且很多創意都覺得他是個脾氣很差的怪胎(nerd)。報導中也提到有一段Saatchi & Saatchi老闆之一Charles Saatchi要他把客戶商標放在某件廣告上,Paul Arden不要,發生的著名故事。
Paul Arden當老闆時,則是個永遠好奇員工到底有什麼好創意要給他看的創意總監。Alex說他每次出現就會一直問:有沒有什麼東西要給我看?他會看著員工的眼睛問:Anything? Anything?
但是Paul Arden的員工很怕他的反應。Alex說,Paul可能對人很殘暴,(像她這樣傑出的創意人)每次拿東西給Paul Arden看,他會沈默,這沈默不超過8秒鐘,〝但是感覺起來像8小時那麼長。〞然後他只會有兩種反應,不是〝太棒了!〞就是〝行不通〞。
由報導中知道英國大眾對Paul Arden的認定就是:創作Silk Cut廣告的人;做出英航微笑的臉的那個人……但是Bell爵士說,把Paul Arden的作品加起來也不能代表他。
Paul Arden就是,一個很特別的存在吧!Alex說,Paul最大的特色就是他的誠實,他是位非常、非常誠實的人。
這位老廣告人在4.2日以67歲辭世(他的生日則是4.10日,果然是個脾氣很爆的白羊座),Alex說, Paul Arden婚姻幸福,兩個孩子都很成器。他常常覺得自己很幸福,準備好離世了。這篇介紹中還說,Paul Arden離開Saatchi之後就創辦一個製作公司。年紀大時,則開始寫些近於自我心理諮商的書,如,〝重要的不是你有多好,而是你想要有多好。〞之類的書名。(台灣的商智出了Paul Arden的幾本書。)
這就是上次說的,2004年去倫敦找Dave Droga時拍的,Saatchi倫敦辦公室總機後面牆壁上那些D&AD黃色鉛筆。其中的黑色鉛筆不知道幾支是Paul Arden留給Saatchi的。
One Show的評審團的評選結果中,排名到前100名的影片廣告。現在邀請大家來進行網路票選。這也是提早收看今年度重要大片的最佳機會。(看完這個,到了坎城就可以把時間拿去看別的獎項啦!!)
China, Xianjun She, Vice-Director of Marketing, China Central Television
United Kingdom, Dominic Proctor (Jury President),Chief Executive Officer Worldwide, MindShare
Argentina, Miguel Angel Reca,Managing Director, Carat
Australia, Anne Parsons, Chief Executive Officer, MediaCom
Austria, Andreas Hofmaier, Group Managing Director & Cluster Head, Aegis Media Group
Belgium, Michel Robert, Managing Director Universal Media / Chief Operating Officer IPG Media Brands Belgium, Universal Media
Brazil, Luiz Fernando Vieira, Partner & Media Vice President, Africa Propaganda
Canada, Annette Warring, Chief Operating Officer, Genesis Vizeum
Chile, Anna Cembrano Perasso, Chief Executive Officer, Initiative
China, Xianjun She, Vice-Director of Marketing, China Central Television
Colombia, Pablo Duran, Chairman of the Board, Havas Media
France, Magali Florens, Managing Director, OMD
Germany, Idris-Lawrence Lachmann, Managing Director, pilot media
India, Shashidhar Sinha, Chief Executive Officer, Lodestar Universal
Israel, Ami Kedem, Chief Executive Officer, Smartmedia
Italy, Valentino Cagnetta, Chief Executive Officer, Media Italia
Japan, Tomotake Kawagoe, Creative Director, ADK (Asatsu-DK)
Mexico, Eric Mergenthaler, Chief Executive Officer North Latin America, Havas Media New Zealand, Dale Spencer, Chief Executive Officer, media360
Poland, Anna Lubowska, Chief Executive Officer, Mediaedge:cia
Russia, Marina Yadikina, Managing Director, MediaVest Moscow
South Africa, Jenny Barenbrug, Planning Director, Notabene
Spain, Sergio Lorca Chief Executive – Iberia & Latin America, ZenithOptimedia
Sweden, Niclas Fröberg, Chief Executive Officer / Founder, Tre Kronor Media Switzerland, Christof Kaufmann, Chief Executive Officer, OMD Schweiz
Turkey, Kerim Han Milar, Vice President, Media, Ali Taran Creative Workshop
USA, Laura Desmond, Chief Executive Officer, Starcom MediaVest Group
India, Prasoon Joshi (Jury President), Executive Chairman McCann Worldwide Group & Regional Executive Creative Director Asia Pacific, McCann Erickson
Argentina, Fernando Bellotti,President, Leo Burnett
Australia, Garry Horner, Executive Creative Director, Whybin TBWA Sydney
Brazil, André Lima, Associated Creative Director, NBS
Finland, Leena Periaho, Art Director, Family
France, Franck Rey, Co Founder & Head of Creation, icilondres
Germany, Christian Daul, Chief Creative Officer, Y&R
Singapore, Richard Copping, Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi
South Africa, Vanessa Pearson, Executive Creative Director, McCann Erickson
Spain, José M. Roca de Vinãls, Executive Creative Director, DDB Barcelona
Thailand, Chukiat Jaroensuk, Chief Creative Officer, Euro RSCG Flagship
United Kingdom, Russell Ramsey, Executive Creative Director, JWT
USA, David Angelo, Chairman, Chief Creative Officer, davidandgoliath advertising
USA, Mark Gross (Jury President), Senior Vice President / Group Creative Director, DDB Chicago
Argentina, Daniel Reynoso, Chief Creative Officer & Vice President, Diálogo Publicidad
Australia, Dejan Rasic, Executive Creative Director, Colman Rasic Carrasco
Belgium, Peter Ampe, Creative Director, Duval Guillaume
Brazil, Flávio Casarotti, Executive Creative Vice President, Fischer América
Canada, Tom Murphy, Creative Director, Target
Chile, Rodrigo Gomez, Executive Creative Director, Draftfcb
France, Thomas Stern, President / Creative Director, @just
Germany, Hans-Peter Albercht, Founder & Creative Director, HP Albrecht
India, Senthil Kumar, Executive Creative Director, JWT
Italy, Francesco Roccaforte, Founder & Owner, M-O-D Music On Demand
Norway, Lars Joachim Grimstad, Copywriter, TRY Reklamebyrå
South Africa, Matthew Brink, Creative Director, King James
Spain, David Moure Ortega, Creative Director, McCann Erickson Iberia
The Philippines, Leigh Reyes, Executive Creative Director, Y&R
United Kingdom, Liz Whiston, Creative Partner, Krow Communications
廣播廣告獎評審團的主席是DDB的Mark Gross,當然應該是他啦!他就是持續得到坎城廣告大獎或金獎的廣播廣告,甚至把這個由廣播廣告創意拍成影片廣告一樣拿過影片廣告金獅獎的Bud Light天才真男子系列廣告的主管創意總監。去年度天才真男子10支廣播廣告的全文翻譯與聲音檔在這邊可以欣賞。(小魚網的付費內容。付費會員可以享受一邊看翻譯一邊聽廣播廣告的樂趣)
剛剛收到的新聞信說,今年的坎城廣告節會把過去只開給學生代表的坎城廣告學苑擴大,並且結合青年創意行程,28歲以下的青年廣告人,只要參加Young Lions或學生代表行程,就有包括以下大隻廣告人在內的廣告人來給你上課喔!
Bob Isherwood, Worldwide Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi
David Droga, Creative Chairman, Droga5
Nick Law, Executive Creative Director, R/GA
Matt Freeman, CEO, Tribal DDB Worldwide
Paul Woolmington, Co-founder, Naked Communications
Rick Boyko, Managing Director/Professor, VCU Brandcenter
Rodney Fitch, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Fitch
活動的設計是,每天兩次,在一個叫作青年創意區的地方來上課。只有參加Young Lions的人才有通行證。所以說,28歲之前參加坎城廣告節真的是很划算喔!
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