卡拉OK之夜那天阿溫同學特別購買一本全新的07年度坎城廣告獎結案報告給Ito桑簽名。之前我有跟Ito桑說,我們有幫他成立後援會,因為他的職稱是Idea Man,所以後援會的名稱是Idea妹後援會。他覺得很好玩,在給阿溫的簽名上真的用了這個名字:
卡拉OK之夜那天阿溫同學特別購買一本全新的07年度坎城廣告獎結案報告給Ito桑簽名。之前我有跟Ito桑說,我們有幫他成立後援會,因為他的職稱是Idea Man,所以後援會的名稱是Idea妹後援會。他覺得很好玩,在給阿溫的簽名上真的用了這個名字:
Rei(稻本零)在台北的擒獅創意營時幫他錄了三段影片,經過他審核之後,讓我放在網站上播出。本來想用Soapbox,但是(好像?)不開放台灣使用。試著用Vimeo,影片怪怪閃動。最後用Flickr來播。畫質還不錯。說不定是因為是我有付Flickr年費的關係。 這一段是,他談自己的創作方式Creative Process,他說他的創作方式在AKQA已經成了笑話。然後當場demo他是怎麼想創意的。他會把A4紙分成兩半(因為他很有環保概念,所以通常是用回收紙),在每張紙上寫些東西,然後全部攤在桌上轉來轉去。排列組合。Rei就是這樣想創意的。他上回在上海也是這樣開處方給年輕創意的,很多組都有拿到一兩張。
Rei Inamoto(稻本零)
This visit to Taiwan on behalf of Microsoft for the Get the Lions event as well as the associated workshops was a very invaluable one on both professional and personal levels. On a professional level, meeting advertising professionals from Taiwan, Hong Kong and China not only expanded my network of colleagues but also it gave me a new perspective on what I do and the work I create.
Personally, it was inspiring to meet young professionals who are extremely hungry. It reminded me of the importance of never losing the drive and desire to do good work and to get better. In addition, I was genuinely touched by the hospitality of the Taiwanese people and Microsoft. They treated me and other guests extremely kindly and took care of us very well. So thank you for that. I look forward to my next visit to Taiwan again in the future.
We selected 9 winners from all the submissions for the young professionals’ workshop. After being presented the work by selected teams and spending time with them, it became clear that each team had a “gem” somewhere in their work. In most cases, they didn’t quite see that gem so I was able to help them find it and polish it.
Ogilvy One—飛利浦省電燈泡
OgilvyOne (Team 1): Philips energy-saving light bulb
This team’s initial idea had an interesting story but it was actually some of the specific executions that I felt were very fresh.
They focused on the moment of leaving a page as a metaphor for leaving a room and turning the light off to save energy. Particularly, the idea was about using a search box on MSN as a media placement and show a message as the user leaves the page. It was a very clever and unexpected use of media that had never been done.
JWT/台北藝術大學研究生混合團隊 Giant x MSN – Biker Care
這是一個名叫Biker Care的計畫,藉由捷安特與MSN的合作,透過社群協助單車客,尤其是行動上較不方便的單車客。創意團隊將MSN本已相當廣的覆蓋率充分運用,推廣這個計畫的認知度。
JWT/Art School (Team 7): Giant x MSN – Biker Care
What I loved about this team’s work was for two reasons: one, they thought big, very big; two, their idea wasn’t advertising.
It was a program called Biker Care for Giant for bikers to help other bikers – particularly handicapped bikers. They then leveraged MSN’s extensive reach to spread awareness of this program.
米蘭數位科技 : DHL什麼都送
Medialand (Team 9): DHL delivers.
This team decided to use an existing advertising campaign and thought of ways to expand it.
While the strategy for the original advertising campaign was questionable, it was the smartness that this team brought on how to expand the campaign conceptually to digital media.
“Delivery” of data is a big part of digital media. The team focused on that notion and used it as a way to deliver the message about DHL.